- Wartawan Nabalu News
10 June 2021
By Wartawan Nabalu News
KOTA KINABALU: Kota Kinabalu has recorded yet another Covid-19 cluster, this time in Menggatal and is known as the Kg Lobou cluster.
Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said the cluster recorded seven new positive cases today.
"The results of close contact and symptomatic screenings have an epidemiology
with a religious ceremony at the church of SIB Kg Lobou, Menggatal between May 16 and May 23.
"The index case is a 35-year-old civil servant who is also a member of the church. He tested positive through symptomatic screening in a clinic before being admitted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for further treatment," he said in a statement today.
According to Masidi, out of 62 test samples taken, 15 came back positive while 19 came back negative and the other 28 are still awaiting results.