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  • Wartawan Nabalu News


Datuk Masidi Manjun

19 Feb 2021

By Wartawan Nabalu News

KOTA KINABALU: The State Government has set up its Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force (CITF) to coordinate the National Covid-19 Immunisation Program in the state level.

Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun explained that the Sabah’s CITF Team will be managed by the Covid-19 Disaster Management Committee.

He stated the CITF Team at the district level has also been activated and will be coordinated by the District Disaster Management Committee and the District Health Office.

“The setting up of CITF is to ensure that a lot of Sabahans will be able to receive the Covid-19 vaccine within the stipulated period through Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3.

"In terms of operation, the preparations that are being implemented include logistics management, vaccination centre in each district, medical action management, volunteer management and strategic communication for the successful Covid-19 vaccination campaign," he said at a press conference today.

Masidi said, the Phase One vaccination programme will involve frontliners who have been identified, For Phase 2, Sabah State Health Department (JKNS) will provide vaccination to targeted groups such as senior citizens aged 65 and above, high-risk groups with chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure and people with disabilities (OKU).

"Meanwhile, Phase 3 will involve civilians aged 18 and above and without comorbidities," he said.

He said registration for the Covid-19 vaccine receiver through the MySejahtera application is encouraging. Appointment information such as the date and place of vaccination will be informed through the MySejahtera application, phone call or SMS.

Senior citizens who do not have a mobile phone can be registered as dependents through the "Manage Dependents" column in the MySejahtera application.

"People who do not have internet facilities can register manually at designated government and private health facilities," he said.


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