Mass resignation: Contract doctors to hold second strike Mass resignation: Contract doctors to hold second strike
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  • Farah Salim

Mass resignation: Contract doctors to hold second strike

16 Nov 2021

By Farah Salim

KUALA LUMPUR: The Hartal Doktor Kontrak is planning to go on a second strike this December if the government does not fulfill its demand of permanent positions for the remaining 22,288 doctors that are still working on a contract basis.

Its spokesperson, Dr Muhammad Yassin said the rally will stage a symbolic mass resignation which will be made a reality should the government remains stagnant in the matter.

The protest is said to last from 30 minutes to one hour, just like the movement’s previous protest in July this year, but will likely not disrupt the healthcare services in government hospitals.

The team will hold a press conference this week to reveal the date of the strike, said Yassin. Over 24,000 medical graduates have been hired on a contract basis since 2016, while only 1,000 were granted permanent positions, said Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.



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