Set up FSC to materialise Keluarga Malaysia approach, Upko tells PM
22 Aug 2021
By Wartawan Nabalu News
KOTA KINABALU: The United Progressive Kinabalu Organisation (Upko) has urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob to consider setting up a Federal-State Council (FSC) on economic and health recovery to materialise the 'Keluarga Malaysia' approach.
Its president Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau said the FSC should be chaired by Ismail with the Parliamentary Opposition Leader, consisting of the same numbers of key ministers and senior opposition leaders, and the Chief Ministers or Menteri Besar of all 13 states.
The FSC should also be further assisted by experts and professionals from society alongside top echelons of civil services, military and police forces, he added.
"The FSC can function like a war cabinet that makes major decisions on economy and health, while Cabinet can implement those decisions and manage other issues.
"This would provide coordinated policies without blindspots and share political responsibility for any necessary but unpopular decisions across parties and governments to protect the Federal Government from partisan potshots but without complications of a unity government," he said in a statement today.
He said this in response to Ismail's first key address earlier today where he mentioned that the 'Keluarga Malaysia' approach is set to lead the country that no religious and ethnic communities would be left out.
According to Madius, if the exclusion of any state government hampers the effectiveness of efforts to fight Covid-19 in that state, their new cases will be added to the national total.
More resources will also need to be channelled to them and support for other states will also be affected, he asserted.
"Malaysia's federalism is suffocatingly over-centralised. Decentralisation in both involving the State Governments in national decisions (shared rule) and giving more room for States to make their own decisions (self-rule) is badly necessary.
"Ismail's 'Keluarga Malaysia' version should include decentralisation so that state governments like grown-up children can have more says in the destiny of the whole family.
This will further strengthen the ties between siblings and between them and the parent, enhancing national integration."