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25 June 2021

FMCO will be ending in four days on June 28 and the Rakyat is anxious to know if the government will be extending the FMCO.

The daily Covid-19 cases are still hovering around 5000-6000 cases per day in spite of the implementation of FMCO.

Obviously, the majority of the Rakyat agreed to the FULL LOCKDOWN when it was implemented 4 weeks ago. But the Rakyat was given a half-baked lockdown with most sectors opened and no proper exit plan. Each MCO implemented always ends with a wait-and-see approach by the government.

The government was given the chance to do a proper full lockdown to bring down the cases just like MCO 1.0 but they have missed the opportunity to do it the proper way and now we are back to square one. Basically, the government has wasted four weeks of lockdown. Four weeks of the Rakyat's time and money that the Rakyat has lost tremendously. Look where are we now? 5841 cases as of today! The Rakyat should not be suffering anymore from this administration.

According to the Malaysia Shopping Malls Association (PPK), up to 300 percent of shops in malls have been closed due to the adverse conditions of the past 16 months amid the Covid-19 pandemic, which also saw some 300,000 workers losing their jobs. This is very worrying! Not to mention the rise of suicide cases due to the financial stress that they are facing during this FMCO.

I hereby urge the government to just enforce CMCO with strict SOP for all business sectors and focus the government's resources on speeding up the vaccination rollout for all. Do not look into another lockdown as we have already seen a waste of four weeks of half-baked FMCO which not only leads to nowhere but instead hurting the Rakyat even more.

Release us from this half-baked FMCO, implement CMCO and speed up the vaccination rollout.

Amos Thien

Pro-Tern Naib Pengerusi (3) MUDA Sabah



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