Gotong Royong a resounding success

24 November 2024
KOTA KINABALU: An integrated Gotong Royong programme, a collaborative initiative organised by the Kiau Volunteer Fire Brigade in partnership with the Neighbourhood Watch (RT) Kiau Taburi, was successfully held to address the aftermath of a fallen tree that had landed on a house.
The tree had fallen onto the property of Salbiah Miki, and the group worked diligently to clean up the debris. In addition to this, they trimmed grass along the road and cut back tree branches that posed hazards to passers-by.
This programme was implemented under the supervision of the Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) of Kg. Kiau Taburi, led by Chairperson Stefben Sindeh.
The event was deemed a resounding success, attracting over 70 enthusiastic participants who demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting cleanliness and enhancing safety against natural disasters.
"We hope that this effort will greatly benefit the community and foster a spirit of mutual assistance, promoting safety, comfort, and cleanliness in Kampung Kiau Taburi," said Stefben. He also indicated that similar activities will be organised in the future.