KUSKOP helps 65,596 MSMEs affected by floods nationwide - Ewon
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KUSKOP helps 65,596 MSMEs affected by floods nationwide - Ewon

January 9, 2023

By Wartawan Nabau News

PUTRAJAYA: Entrepreneurship Development and Cooperative Ministry (KUSKOP) has postponed a total of RM128.6 million in repayment of micro credit loans and entrepreneurial loans to a total of 65,596 Micro, Small and Medium entrepreneurs (MSME) in several states across the country that were affected by floods from Dec 9 to 31 last year.

Its minister Datuk Ewon Benedick said that almost all of the affected entrepreneurs or borrowers were from Kelantan and Terengganu while the rest were from Pahang and Sabah.

He said, borrowers or entrepreneurs who make loans through agencies under KUSKOP, namely Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM), SME Corp Malaysia, TEKUN Nasional, Bank Rakyat and the Malaysian Cooperative Commission (SKM) can apply for a deferral of up to a maximum period of six months.

"The delay in repayment of the loan is an initiative of the ministry to help ease the stress and burden faced by cooperatives, micro, small and medium entrepreneurs in all the states involved," he said in a media statement today.

Ewon said the ministry also implemented a post-flood food basket assistance programme in Kelantan and Terengganu for a total of 1,100 families who were affected by the flood involving an allocation of RM110,000.

The delivery of food baskets to the flood victims will be carried out by the Deputy Minister, Senator Saraswathy Kandasami together with the Ministry's agencies on this Friday (Jan 13) in both states.



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