More than just traditional food
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More than just traditional food

24 Sept 2023


KOTA KINABALU: Preserving traditional food holds significant importance as it's an integral part of a community's cultural heritage.

It reflects the history, traditions, and values of a particular group of people.

By preserving traditional food, the continuity of cultural practices, culinary techniques, and unique flavours are assured.

These are some of the views expressed by participants of the

Ropuhan Homestay Aki Nabalu's traditional food exhibition, located within the premises of Dewan Lontupak Kg.Purak Ogis, Kota Belud.

Lungima Bolo, 63, from Kg. Lingkubang said she was very happy to join in the event.

She made pickled fish, cooked vegetables and boiled yam, to display and sell.

"These food are traditionally eaten by my family," she shared.

"I really enjoyed the event, as I earned some money, meet friends and saw other people's wares," she enthused.

"We hope this event will be held during the Harvest Month of May and Christmas."

Daina Tunding, 62 and her friend, Lorine Lasiwan, 51, came to sell their wares at the location, very early as they were excited to sell their sambal petai and other delicacies.

"We enjoyed the event tremendously as this is our first time attending such an event," Daina shared.

According to her, preserving traditional food with a little innovation was a pleasure to embark on as she loved to see the results of her labour.

She echoed Lugima, saying the event should be held during harvest month of May and Christmas.

For participant, Vistah Rasimun, 46, who hails from Tuaran, holding the event every three months would be great.

"It's a great event and I really love the setting. Here I can display and sell my sambal tomato ikan bilis and the response have been very encouraging," she enthused.

Umieera Rashid, 50, from Kudat sold sambal Tuhau (wild ginger) with salted fish, sambal tuhau with anchovies and sambal tuhau with dried prawns

She said she was very excited to join the event and was really impressed with the attention given to traditional food

Although the food had been added on for taste it was still traditional and as such it should be preserved.

Interest in preservation of traditional recipes could be evoked with the participation of young people.

"Young people should be invited to participate next time, " she stressed.

"The interest of youth allows continuity, maintain their identity and strengthens cultural pride."

Meanwhile, Hilda Anggus, the one of the Aki Nabalu Homestay operators, expressed her gratitude for the contribution made by Kadamaian State Assemblyman Datuk Ewon Benedick towards the construction of Ropuhan Homestay Aki Nabalu.

"We would like to thank Datuk Ewon for his continuous support to the womenfolk in this village. We will utilise these facilities to organize various programmes aimed at m promoting our traditional cuisine further," she said.

Datuk Ewon Benedick who is also Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives officially launch the Kluster Aki Nabalu Homestay and interacted with participants.



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