- nabalunews
Community Hall gets an upgrade with RM200K funds
9 June 2024
PENAMPANG: A fund of RM200,000 has been allocated to upgrade the parking space outside the Binsua'an Community Hall in Kg Penapakondis Limbanak.
In the announcement today, Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Datuk Ewon Benedick stated that the upgrade is to enhance the parking area by applying concrete surfacing, providing a more convenient and comfortable experience for individuals utilising the community hall.
Ewon, who also serves as the Penampang Member of Parliament, emphasised that the development initiatives in Penampang align with the dynamic Penampang Development Plan introduced last year.
He was speaking when launching the Harvest Festival celebration in the village, where a Cooperative Madani sales was also being held.
Ewon reiterated his commitment to fulfilling the expectations of the people who gave him the mandat by ensuring that the region receives the development it deserves.
"Upon receiving the mandate from the people of Penampang in 2022, my first action was to organise development initiatives. To this end, we conducted a comprehensive study in cooperation with Institute of Development Studies (IDS) the district office, parliament office, and the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK)."
This development plan is important because every five years, both federal and State governments will plan out a 5-year plan for 2026-2030, in which all ministries are coordinating and organising projects to be included in this plan.
According to him, all ministries have been ordered to show projects to be included in the 13th Malaysia Plan.
That is why the Penampang Development Plan is crucial, he emphasised. He mentioned that he would engage in discussions with the Minister of Education regarding the educational requirements for development in this area. Additionally, he plans to collaborate with the Ministry of Science and Innovation to seek support for innovation, entrepreneurship, and related services.
He shared that he had incepted the Sabah and Sarawak Bumiputera Entrepreneur scheme and there were entrepreneurs from Penampang that beniffited.
"Next year, I hope to ready more allocation and I will bring in infrastructure such us rest houses, roads and bridge among others," he said.
He highlighted that Penampang comprises over 60 villages, excluding the urban area, underscoring the need for an efficient management system instead of addressing issues on a case-by-case basis.
He also stressed that long standing issues such as the Tamu Dongonggon that needed an upgrade for a long time, the flood mitigation as well the telecommunications services will be included in their meeting.
The administration structure will also undergo review, he stated, emphasising that while various needs will inevitably arise, it is crucial not to zero on one unattainable need over the many achievements, as this could lead to discord.
"Importantly, maintain our unity and our togetherness as without unity, development couldn't be carried out," he said.
Regarding the harvest festival, he said that this event serves not only to foster camaraderie and friendship among the community but also to uphold and perpetuate tradition for the generations to come.