DAP lawmaker lodges police report against Muhyiddin, TakiyuddinDAP lawmaker lodges police report against Muhyiddin, Takiyuddin
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DAP lawmaker lodges police report against Muhyiddin, Takiyuddin

Phoong Jin Zhe

30 July 2021

By Marryan Razan and Jacquline Ebit

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah DAP lawmaker Phoong Jin Zhe has lodged a police report for a probe into Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as Prime Minister and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan, at the Karamunsing Police Station today

Phoong, who is also the Luyang State Assemblyman, said a police report was lodged against two government leaders today for allegedly lying and turning their backs on the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

“Based on the media statement issued by Istana Negara yesterday, it clearly shows that Takiyuddin has lied to the King.

"We consider this something rebellious and inappropriate. Therefore, we ask for an investigation on government leaders today because this may contradict Section 124 which can impact our country's parliamentary democracy system," he said when met by reporters lodging the police report.

Also present were Upko Vice President and Kadamaian Assemblyman Datuk Ewon Benedick as well as representatives from Parti Muda Sabah and Pakatan Harapan Youth.

According to Phoong, it is clearly stated in the Federal Constitution that only the Agong can consent, cancel or implement an emergency.

On July 26, Takiyuddin in Parliament announced that the Emergency Ordinance had been revoked when it had not been approved by the King.

"We do not know what really happened, although there is an explanation from the Prime Minister, it clearly shows that (he) failed to implement and respect the federal constitution.

"This is something serious because our country is implementing a parliamentary democracy system. The King as the Head of State has a role in the federal constitution.

"We have to respect and carry out the duties that are borne, especially as a Minister and Chief Executive of the country, everything must be carried out in an orderly manner," he said.

That is why, he said, a police report has been lodged so that no politician fails to respect and perform the duties enshrined in the federal constitution.

“Imagine if the government today can turn its back against the King, what more against ordinary people?

"Therefore, we hope that action can be taken to defend and preserve our federal constitution," he said.



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