Ewon attends St. Michael Church’s Christmas celebration, hall blessing

26 December 2022
By Wartawan Nabalu News
PENAMPANG: Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative Minister Datuk Ewon Benedick attended the Christmas celebration of St. Michael's Parish Penampang today.
The celebration was also held together with the blessing of the church hall, pilgrimage centre, gallery and archive, as well as the church's new office.
Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese, Archbishop Datuk John Wong officiated the programme and the blessing ceremony.
Also present were Rector Rev. Fr. Wilfred Alfred Atin, Kapayan Assemblyperson Jannie Lasimbang, church leaders and local community leaders.
St. Michael Penampang Parish is one of the oldest Catholic churches in Sabah.
Meanwhile, Ewon who is also Penampang MP expressed his gratitude to the church for the invitation to attend the event.
He said, the development and needs of houses of worship including churches will continue to be given attention in addition to focusing on the development of entrepreneurs and cooperatives as well as other developments in the Penampang area.