Govt vows to address illegal pig farm issue in Tamparuli – Jeffrey Kitingan
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Govt vows to address illegal pig farm issue in Tamparuli – Jeffrey Kitingan

7 June 2023

By Wartawan Nabalu News

KOTA KINABALU: The state government is working with various agencies to resolve the issue of an illegal pig farm in Tamparuli that has caused pollution and health problems for nearby residents.

The farm has been fined for operating without a proper license, but the current law does not allow the Veterinary Services Department (DVS) to close it down.

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry Minister Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said in a statement that his ministry is aware of the severity of the issue and is committed to finding a satisfactory solution.

He said he understood the stress and discomfort caused by the farm’s operations, especially to those who are battling serious health conditions.

“It is heartbreaking to hear about the plight of our community members, and I want to assure everyone that we are committed to resolving this issue in the best possible way,” he said.

He said legal action has already been taken against the farm, resulting in a court-imposed fine for operating without a proper license under Rule 3 (1) Control of Livestock Activities (Pig) Rules 2008.

However, he admitted that the current regulations do not authorise the DVS to close the farm.

“I understand this may be frustrating for many, and I assure you, we are working tirelessly to resolve the situation. We are aware of the limitations in the existing law and are considering necessary changes in legislation to ensure stricter control over such activities in the future,” he said.

He added that his ministry is in discussion with other agencies, including the Department of Environment, the Sabah Town and Regional Planning Department, and the Department of Land and Survey, to implement a holistic solution to this issue. He believed that a coordinated approach will be the most effective way to manage such challenges.

He also urged all stakeholders to abide by the rules and regulations set out by the authorities while waiting for the construction of the Pig Farming Area (PFA) in Tongod, which is designed to accommodate the relocation of farms.

He said the welfare of the citizens and the preservation of the environment is paramount, and the government will not compromise on these fronts.

“I am grateful to everyone who raised this issue. Your voices serve as a reminder of the responsibility we bear towards our community and environment. I promise to keep you updated as we make progress on this issue, and aim to bring about a resolution that is satisfactory to all,” he said.



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