A culture of mutual respect behind diversity
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A culture of mutual respect behind diversity

15 April 2024

By Nabalu News Reporter

KOTA MARUDU: The President of the United Progressive Kinabalu Organisation (UPKO), Datuk Ewon Benedick, stated that behind the diversity of religion, culture, customs, and language, a culture of respect, tolerance, unity, and cooperation needs to be preserved by leaders.

He emphasised that the culture of respect, tolerance, and unity can be showcased through the celebration of various major festivals in the country, attended by a diverse community of different ethnicities and religions.

"The open house celebration during Hari Raya is a tradition of UPKO, where we provide an opportunity for different divisions to be the host. Last year, the Hari Raya Open House was held in Ranau, this year in Kota Marudu, and next year in Libaran.

"The same goes for the Pesta Kaamatan, Christmas, Chinese New Year, and World Indigenous People's Day celebrations, which will be hosted by different divisions or organized in collaboration with non-governmental organizations.

"Earlier this year, the Christmas celebration was hosted by UPKO Beluran in Telupid. The Kaamatan celebration last year was held in Tamparuli, and this year it will take place in Kuala Penyu on May 11 and 12," he said.

He made these remarks while speaking at the UPKO Kota Marudu Division Open House event, held today.

Also present were Honorary President Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau, Deputy President Datuk Donald Mojuntin, as well as members of the Supreme Council, Youth Movement, Women's Movement, and Youth Generation of the party.

Ewon, who is also the Minister of Entrepreneurship Development and Cooperative (MEDC), stated that such open house celebrations need to be maintained to strengthen unity not only within the government but also among the people.

He emphasised that alongside unity, the agenda for people's development and economic progress should also be prioritized.

"The organisation of open house events like this and the togetherness of leaders and the multi-ethnic and multi-religious community reflects the hopes of the people.

"Hopefully, this togetherness will continue not only during Hari Raya celebrations but also during other major celebrations to preserve the unity and harmony of the people," he said.



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