AIM successfully helps the community out of poverty through the entrepreneurship movement
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  • Wartawan Nabalu News

AIM successfully helps the community out of poverty through the entrepreneurship movement

19 February 2024

By Wartawan Nabalu News

KUALA TERENGGANU: Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM), an agency under the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives (MEDC), has successfully assisted the community in breaking free from the cocoon of poverty through the entrepreneurship movement, said Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Datuk Ewon Benedick.

He stated that AIM has successfully helped over 322,000 female entrepreneurs and mothers nationwide as of today.

"I believe this has demonstrated AIM's mandate and responsibility to develop entrepreneurs among women, thereby lifting them out of the cycle of poverty."

I hope that all these entrepreneur friends of AIM will be an inspiration to over 3 million Malaysians to strive their best to overcome hardship and poverty," he said during the launch of the Sambal Mek Ngoh product, managed by AIM friend Haslinda Wahab, here today.

Ewon said that the success of AIM friends in their respective businesses not only serves as a source of inspiration to other entrepreneurs but also helps provide job opportunities.

"I am very proud because as soon as I took over the leadership of this ministry, AIM was placed under the responsibility or made an agency of the ministry.

"This is because I see a lot of inspiration from the success stories of AIM entrepreneurs that can be used as motivation for Malaysians to also succeed," he said.

He said that the commitment of AIM friends at every official event has clearly penetrated into their souls and has been successfully translated into action.

"In terms of their commitment alone, the commitment to get out of poverty, the commitment to help other friends in need, the commitment to ensure that loan management is done properly so that loan repayments can be used to help others."

That is why, at the ministry level, in a program to support the vision of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to eradicate poverty, Mr. Shamir (Managing Director of AIM) has been appointed to lead that special program starting in Sabah.

Ewon said that the ministry's special Ehsan program will begin in Sabah to help lift mothers or families out of the shackles of poverty, making them inspirations to other entrepreneurs.

"I believe the selection of Mr. Shamir is most appropriate after hearing and examining what he and the management of AIM have been working on to lift mothers out of poverty," he said.

He said that the special program will be a response to the Prime Minister's grand vision of ensuring that no Malaysian citizens are classified as poor.



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