Anwar for PM9: Over 28,000 sign online petitionAnwar for PM9: Over 28,000 sign online petition
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  • Writer's pictureIlona Andrew

Anwar for PM9: Over 28,000 sign online petition

20 Aug 2021

By Ilona Andrew

KUALA LUMPUR: With the ninth Prime Minister expected to be named by Istana Negara soon, more than 28,000 individuals are hoping that PKR President Datuk Anwar Ibrahim would be the one, according to an online petition.

As of 12.15 pm today, a total of 28,559 signatories have been recorded and the number is growing rapidly by minutes, Nabalu News observed.

The online petition launched by one Rakyat Malaysia simply states: "Don't deny our votes! We support DSAI (Anwar) to be Malaysia's PM9! This is the voice of the people!"

One of the signatories to the petition Kamsiah Haider mentioned that Anwar is among the very few Malaysian political leaders capable.

Anwar also has an international diplomatic network with the United States, Turkey and many more, she added.

"Such a network is useful when we need strategic smart partnerships to develop our country so the well-being of the people can be safeguarded.

"No one is perfect, including Anwar, but history will prove that he has a duty to rebuild our nation and make Malaysia a great nation again and be well-respected," said Kamsiah.

Another signatory, Eunice Tan stated that Anwar is simply the people's choice during the 14th General Election (GE14).

"Kindly restore the people's mandate to enable him to lead us to a better Malaysia," she said.

A special meeting by the Malay Rulers is expected to convene at the National Palace today to discuss the appointment of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's successor following his resignation as the premier on Monday.

The meeting is expected to begin at 2.30pm and will be presided over by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah.

While the King has audience to 114 MPs who rally behind Umno Vice President Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri as candidate, it was learned that MPs from Pakatan Harapan (PH) and its allies have not been granted a similar audience.

The Opposition bloc consisting 105 MPs from DAP, PKR, Amanah, Warisan, Pejuang, PSB, Upko and independent has on Wednesday submitted Anwar's name as their choice of Prime Minister.



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