Anwar, Kit Siang should not be asked to step down – Zaid Anwar, Kit Siang should not be asked to step down – Zaid
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  • Farah Salim

Anwar, Kit Siang should not be asked to step down – Zaid

22 Nov 2021

By Farah Salim

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Federal Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has lashed out in response to tittle-tattles asking Pakatan Harapan (PH) kingpins to step down following the defeat of the coalition in the recent Melaka State Election.

In fact, he mentioned PH President Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang and other opposition leaders deserved to be called ‘heroes’ in the political battle of Malaysia.

“How dare you ask them to step down. Without them, we will be ruled by a one-man government forever.

“Their (opposition leaders) sacrifice is beyond words. Easy for critics to lament about defeat in the meaningless election,” he said in his Twitter posting, yesterday.

After losing 23 out of 28 seats in the Melaka state election, several parties came to pin the blame on Anwar for the wipeout.

Anwar fielded Datuk Seri Idris Haron and Datuk Nor Azman Hassan who triggered the dissolution of the state assembly to contest under the coalition’s banner.

He reasoned that the duo were not traitors, but only wanted to return the people’s mandate to PH.

Barisan Nasional (BN) has won the state election after securing 21 seats, two-third of the majority.



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