Christina Liew remains as head of PKR KK
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Christina Liew remains as head of PKR KK

29 May 2022

By Wartawan Nabalu News

KOTA KINABALU: Datuk Christina Liew has retained her post as Head of PKR Kota Kinabalu Branch for the 2022-2025 term in the just-concluded party election.

She secured a total of 883 votes against sole challenger Steveelon Sait who polled only 116 votes.

Based on the results released by the party headquarters, Liew's line-up of candidates for the branch committee all won in the election.

According to Liew, in spite of initial technical glitches on the morning of the physical election on May 22, the voting process went ahead smoothly after the resetting of the tablets at around 11am.

"I wish to thank all my team of workers and supporters as well as our members who took time out to cast their votes.

It is now time for members to consolidate the position of KK Branch and work closely with the State Leadership Council (MPN) in preparation for the coming 15th General Election (PRU15)," she said in a statement on Sunday.



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