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Entrepreneurship Programmes set to materialise

The meeting in progress.

13 November 2023


PENAMPANG: The Economic and Entrepreneurship Bureau of the United Progressive Kinabalu Organisation (UPKO) led by Datuk Gilbert Sham held a meeting among  the Bureau Committee on the implementation of related programmes in the coming year.

Gilbert who is the UPKO Papar Division Chief said they will be promoting economic prosperity and sustainable growth, touching on economic and financial issues, develop strategies to improve key business practices, and encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.

The meeting held recently was attended by 20 people, including Gilbert as the Chairman, his deputy Datuk Stephen Sampil with the secretary Roger Tiam and Treasurer Dennison Indang. The Committee comprises of Herman Osunping and Marcellus Tambud as well as Doctor Peter Naintin and Mary Jim among others.

According to Gilbert they discussed economic policies, entrepreneurship, and the participation of Bumiputera or Indigenous people, and issues related to the economy, entrepreneurship, and the involvement of Bumiputera or Indigenous communities. This discussion was led by Mary Jim.

Datuk Gilbert

Gilbert led the discussions about the establishment of ‘1 organisation 1 Cooperative’ about the opportunities and steps to establish a unit within a cooperative. This discussion focused on the goals, structure, and functions of the unit.

Discussions on the establishment of UPKO and Tamu Desa entrepreneur communities was led by Datuk Laurentius Ambu, where they discussed the establishment of entrepreneur communities associated with UPKO and Tamu Desa.

This discussion was about support, training programmes, and initiatives provided to empower and develop entrepreneur communities in the respective areas.

A discussion on the party's entrepreneurship directory was led by Roger Tiam, where the provision of a directory or list of entrepreneurs involved in the political party was discussed.

Other discussions about development programmes, cooperation between the private sector and the government, and steps to advance the business and economic sectors was also discussed.




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