Kudat has high potentials in STEM, says JPNS
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Kudat has high potentials in STEM, says JPNS

Muddin visiting one of the exhibitions during the programme..

19 August 2023

By Ilona Andrew

KUDAT: The Sabah Education Department (JPNS) praised the students in Kudat for their outstanding performance and creativity in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Its Deputy Director Muddin Beting said he was impressed by the various innovations and projects that the students displayed at the FIESTA STEM Festival, which was jointly organised by the Kudat District Education Office (PPD), JPNS and Sabah Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

“The students in Kudat have not only demonstrated their scientific skills, but also their understanding of scientific theory and the application of scientific laws. They are able to explain how their innovations or projects solve real-life problems using scientific principles,” he said.

He made these remarks during the Closing Ceremony of the STEM Fiesta PPD Kudat at the Hakka Hall, here, on Friday.

Muddin said one of the projects that caught his attention was a project that used chrysanthemum flowers as an experimental material by SMJK Lok Yuk students.

“This project showed how the colour of the flower petals changed by using xylem fluid. This is an example of how STEM involves not only knowledge, but also creativity in creating something new and useful,” he said.

Muddin also expressed his hope that the students would continue to pursue their interest and passion in STEM.

“JPNS hopes that all PPDs in Sabah, including PPD Kudat, can continue to encourage and support the students to venture into STEM. This will contribute to the success and development of the technology and science industry in Sabah,” he said.

The programme, which ran from July 17 to Aug 18, was part of a series of events organised by JPNS involving 16 schools in Kudat district.

The program featured various activities that challenged the students’ creativity and problem-solving skills in STEM, such as a water rocket competition, a mechatronic car Arduino competition, a short video competition, as well as webinars and lectures.

The ceremony also witnessed the presentation of certificates of appreciation and awards to the students and schools involved.



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