Mahiaddin and his Cabinet must go - Tun MMahiaddin and his Cabinet must go - Tun M
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  • Writer's pictureIlona Andrew

Mahiaddin and his Cabinet must go - Tun M

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

29 July 2021

By Ilona Andrew

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tan Sri Mahiaddin Yassin should hand in his resignation notice and his Cabinet must follow suit, said Langkawi MP Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He reasoned that the prime minister had deliberately lied to Parliament with regards to the revocation of the Emergency Ordinances.

"He must know that he has no power to revoke the Ordinances on his own.

"But still the announcement was made as if he had the power when such power is solely in the hands of the King during the Emergency," he said in a press statement, today.

According to Mahathir, Mahiaddin cannot absolve himself of the responsibility although he was not the one who announced the revocation.

The announcement was made by de facto Law Minister Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan during the Special Parliamentary sitting on July 26.

Mahiaddin made no attempt to correct or stop Takiyuddin despite being seated right in front of him, the Pejuang President added.

"He is therefore responsible for this shameful act as also the rest of the Cabinet members," he stressed.



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