MP: Wake up GRS, Sabah needs Health MinisterMP: Wake up GRS, Sabah needs Health Minister
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MP: Wake up GRS, Sabah needs Health Minister

Chan Foong Hin

24 Aug 2021

By Wartawan Nabalu News

KOTA KINABALU: DAP's Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin said the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS)-led State Government needs to wake up and not be passive in handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Sabah as it recorded an all-time high number of caseload today.

In a statement today, he said the State needs a Health Minister who is able to take drastic actions instead of just a Covid-19 spokesperson.

"There are 3,376 Covid-19 positive cases reported in Sabah today. We are now in deep, deep trouble as the trend over the past few days seems to indicate that cases will only further skyrocket.

"It is about time that this GRS government realise that they are wrong in a lot of matters. they are wrong to abolish the Health portfolio in the State Cabinet and outsource all work to the Federal Ministry of Health," he asserted.

"This is on top of the Perikatan Nasional (PN)’s Federal Government failure to ensure adequate and on-time vaccine supply to Sabah."

Chan reckoned that the slow vaccination rate in Sabah will only lead to more Category 3 to 5 cases and that the state healthcare system does not have the capacity to cope with.

"The surge in Covid-19 cases no doubt started because the GRS Government took things too lightly. Passiveness kills. It is time for the GRS Sabah government to wake up and smell the coffee," he stressed.

It is time that GRS accept the truth that they have failed miserably and start taking initiatives, he added.



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