Pernas CSR recipients grateful for glasses and food box

27 November 2023
PENAMPANG: The Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives through its agency, Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (Pernas), implemented a corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme together with Focus Point Vision Care Group Sdn. Bhd. (Focus Point) through the Pernas Prihatin CSR Programme and Focus Point Spectacle Donation in Penampang.
Its Minister Datuk Ewon Benedick who is also the Penampang Member of Parliament launched the event where 100 people received spectacles and 100 people received basic necessities.
The recipients for both food box and spectacles were overjoyed to receive the items from the assemblyman through PERNAS. For many of them who received the glasses it was so much more than just improved vision, it was a testimony that their leaders cared about them. The recipients were understandably very happy to receive the contribution as well as meeting with their MP.
Aunah Yasoi, a 55-year old woman from Kg Marak Parak in Kota Marudu, has struggled with blurry vision for many years. She works as a cleaner at a hotel in Beverly Hill Plaza to support her family, who live with her in Kg Baru Luyang.
Aunah had worn spectacles for as long as she can remember but replacing them was a financial burden. "Getting new glasses is not cheap," she said.
When she heard about the free spectacle distribution by Pernas through the Kapayan assemblyman's office, Aunah was overjoyed at the opportunity. She went down to the event and had her eyes tested.
Aunah received a new pair of spectacles and said she was extremely grateful. "I want to thank Datuk Ewon Benedict and YB Jannie Lasimbang for bringing this programme here. It means so much to people like me."
She shared that having new glasses would ensure that she had a spare if anything happened to her old one. Good vision is crucial in her work as a cleaner, she said.
Ho Yoh Fong, a 58-year-old housewife from Kg Ganang Kapayan, has been wearing glasses for as long as she can remember. When she heard about the programme from the JKKK's office, she eagerly registered herself to participate.
Ho expressed her joy and gratitude for the opportunity to receive new glasses. "I am very happy that such an event actually occurred here, and I am grateful to receive the new glasses," she said. Ho originally hails from Kg Bangkahak in Kota Belud.
As a housewife, Ho's daily activities often require clear vision. Whether it's cooking, cleaning, or taking care of her family, having proper glasses is essential for her to perform her tasks effectively. The programme has provided her with the means to improve her vision and enhance her quality of life.
Ho's experience highlights the positive impact of the program on individuals in the community. By providing free glasses, the programme has not only addressed a practical need but has also brought happiness and gratitude to people like Ho.
Siti Jayada Amit, a 64-year-old single mother from Kg Padas Damit in Beaufort, expressed her immense happiness upon receiving the new spectacles, acknowledging how they significantly help her in her daily life. As a homemaker residing in Kg Baru Luyang, Siti relies on financial assistance from Majlis Ugama Islam (MUIS) to make ends meet. Consequently, purchasing new glasses is not always a priority for her, causing her to continue using her old pair until they are no longer functional.
Siti says that the timing of receiving the new glasses was opportune, as her old pair was already worn out and in dire need of replacement. With her blurry vision corrected, she can now carry out her household chores and tasks more effectively, ensuring a better quality of life for herself and her family.
Being a single mother, Siti shoulders the responsibility of managing the household and caring for her family. The new spectacles are a lifeline for her, enabling her to navigate her daily activities with clarity and accuracy. Whether it's preparing meals, cleaning the house, or attending to her children's needs, Siti can now do so with improved vision and confidence.
Sunak Kalur, 64, comes from Kg Meligan in Sipitang and lives with her children in Kg Baru Luyang. As a dedicated grandmother, she is currently taking care of her grandchild while her daughter works. Sunak's husband hails from Kg Melangkap in Kota Belud.
Throughout her life, Sunak has relied on glasses to assist her in performing her daily tasks. Whether it's cooking, cleaning, or looking after her grandchild, her glasses help her a lot. They provided her with a clear vision, enabling her to carry out her responsibilities effectively.
Sunak expressed her deep gratitude to the Penampang MP Datuk Ewon Benedick, as well as the State Assemblywoman for Kapayan Jannie Lasimbang, for their role in organising the programme that has immensely benefited individuals like her. Additionally, she extended her appreciation to Pernas for their efforts in holding the programme.
The programme's impact on Sunak's life has been significant as it reaffirmed her sense of belonging and support within her community.
Melanie Kian, a 48-year-old resident of Kg Ganang in Kapayan, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the event organisers, the Penampang Member of Parliament, and the Kapayan Assemblywoman for holding an event that has immensely benefited the local community, particularly the needy.
As a single woman working from home as a tailor, Melanie understands the struggles of making ends meet. She relies on her tailoring business to sustain herself, and the recent event proved to be a ray of hope for her. Melanie was one of the recipients who received a food box, which made a significant difference in her life.
"Receiving the food box was such a blessing, and I am incredibly grateful for the contribution," Melanie shared. The support she received alleviated a financial burden and provided essential sustenance for her.
Melanie's work as a tailor is crucial to her livelihood, and the event's assistance has had a tremendous impact on her ability to continue pursuing her passion. By receiving the food box, Melanie felt a renewed sense of encouragement and support from her community.
Loretta Jolonius, a 58-year-old resident of Kg Hungab in Penampang, echoed the sentiments expressed by Melanie, expressing her sincere gratitude for the food box she received. As a pensioner, Loretta deeply appreciates the support and thanked the event organisers for their generous contribution.
For individuals like Loretta, who rely on their pension as their main source of income, making ends meet is a priority. The provision of a food box through the event contributes to Loretta’s daily needs.
"Receiving the food box was a blessing, and I am very grateful for the contribution," Loretta shared.
The organisers of the event deserve special recognition for their efforts in ensuring that individuals like Aunah, Ho, Siti, Sunak, Melanie and Loretta are not forgotten and receive the assistance they require.
Donations of glasses and free eye examinations are a joint initiative with Focus Point, which is the largest optical network company in Malaysia.
This year, Focus Point has implemented 22 CSR programmes by donating more than 490 glasses to people who need visual aids. Pernas had contributed 800 food boxes to Asnaf in the states of Perak, Penang, Johor and Sarawak.