Sabah PKR: Dedication to people matters more than party affiliation
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Sabah PKR: Dedication to people matters more than party affiliation

11 April 2023

By Wartawan Nabalu News

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah PKR has urged politicians to focus on serving the people instead of creating divisions among political parties.

Its deputy chairman Sazalye Donol said that in today’s fluid political scene, politicians who are truly dedicated to the people’s welfare are the ones who will remain relevant, regardless of whether they belong to a local-based or a national party.

He was responding to Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) president Datuk Chin Su Phin’s call on April 4 for Sabahans to emulate Sarawak and support local parties and coalitions like Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) to safeguard the state’s interests.

Sazalye said Chin’s call was awkward and disrespectful to the voters’ maturity and the contributions of national parties that have helped develop Sabah and Malaysia.

“We need close, strong cooperation between local and national-based parties to develop the state and nation holistically. This is seen in the current government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.

He also reminded LDP of its poor performance in the 2020 snap state election, where it contested 46 state seats but failed to win any and lost its deposit in all.

The election result spoke volumes, and Chin should refrain from trying to make LDP sound like a hero in the political arena.

“All political parties need to work together and stop creating more friction among them if they wish to stay relevant in Sabah politics,” he said.

He added that Sabahans are in an era of mature politics and they expect politicians to continue to serve them and care for their needs.



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