Sabah Society for the Blind Sandakan appeals for donation
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Sabah Society for the Blind Sandakan appeals for donation

24 Sept 2022

By Wartawan Nabalu News

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Society For The Blind Sandakan Branch has appealed for public donations and financial assistance to help fund the operation of its Taman Training Centre For Blind in Kompleks Penyayang Taman Cahaya, Rancangan Sungai Manila, Mile 12, Sandakan.

In a statement, the Non-Government Organisations (NGO) said that with the endemic state underway, they have decided to launch a statewide appeal for public donations by way of postal letters.

“The Covid pandemic and the ensuring lockdowns had indeed not only affected the public's welfare but also placed heavy restrictions and constraints on the operation of NGO and their financial survival.

“The Centre is resuming its training and rehabilitation operation for the visually impaired people in Sabah and expecting to train about 25-30 blind trainees each year who are recruited from various remote parts of the State.

“The blind trainees are provided with 12 months of training in handicrafts weaving, foot reflexology and body massage, braille, basic computer knowledge, cash crop agriculture, flower nursery, mobility and orientation, personal health care and social interaction skills in communication and sports activities,” said the society.

Additionally, the training facilities, housing accommodation, food and pocket money are all provided accessible to the blind trainees.

The NGO also provides humanitarian shelters to 12 blinds and their families at the buildings

located adjoining to the training centre.

It was noted that the whole training operation of the centre (including recruitment and infrastructure maintenance costs) carried out by staff and assisted by volunteers required funding of RM300,000.00 per year, out of which RM80,000.00 is received from the Sabah Council of Social Services and the rest of the shortfall fund to be solicited from the general public.

“On behalf of the Sabah Society For The Blind, Sandakan Branch and staff of Taman Cahaya, the Society Branch's Chairman Chong Yee Fah would like to take this opportunity to thank all the kind supporters and donors for having rendered their kind-hearted support and assistance to the centre.

“This is especially during the Covid pandemic to relieve the hardship of the blind community and sincerely look forwards to receiving their continued generosity and financial support for the Branch's Committee to continue to give a little bit more and better future to the needy and less fortunate blind peoples in our community.



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