Three new Covid-19 clusters in Sabah with cumulative total of 188 casesThree new Covid-19 clusters in Sabah with cumulative total of 188 cases
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  • Writer's pictureIlona Andrew

Three new Covid-19 clusters in Sabah with cumulative total of 188 cases

15 Aug 2021

By Ilona Andrew

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah today registered new Covid-19 clusters in Kinabatangan, Ranau and Lahad Datu with a cumulative total of 188 positive cases, said Sabah's official Covid-19 spokesperson Datuk Masidi Manjun.

The clusters are known as the Tangkuyan cluster in Kinabatangan which has 129 cases, the Paka Kawiyan cluster in Ranau with 41 cases, and the Segama Batu Satu cluster in Lahad Datu with 18 cases.

"The Tangkuyan cluster was triggered by a 27-year-old clerk who works in an oil palm plantation in Beluran who tested positive on Aug 9 through workplace screening.

"Based on investigation, the index case was found to have attended a family member's funeral ceremony in Kg Tangkuyan, Kuamut.

"A total of 128 family, social and dependant contacts were then found to have tested positive in this community cluster," he said in a statement today.

The Paka Kawiyan cluster in Ranau is also categorised as a community cluster that was triggered by an individual who flouted quarantine order.

"The 32-year-old index case who tested positive on the 10th day of her quarantine after undergoing a screening test through interstate travel screening was found to have interacted with villagers in a rubber plantation area while trying to get internet line access.

"A series of close and social contact screenings were then conducted from July 29 to Aug 14 where 41 out of 132 individuals tested positive," said Masidi.

Meanwhile, the Segama Batu Satu cluster in Lahad Datu is categorised as a workplace that was detected in a tyre company.

"The index case is a 40-year-old foreigner who tested positive through workplace screening on Aug 12 at a private clinic.

"The cause of the infection is still under investigation. However, a high risk of infection due to the condition of the house and social activities among the employees every evening.

"All positive cases in the cluster have been referred to Lahad Datu Hospital and quarantine centres for further treatment," Masidi stated.

He added that out of 39 contacts screened, 18 tested positive while 21 tested negative.



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